Year 5/6 boys taking advantage of the recent snow fall. ‘Do you wanna build a snowman?’
Science Reports
Year 5/6 have been busy this afternoon creating Science reports relating to Evolution and Inheritance along with Earth and Space.
Pancake Day
No matter how busy year 5/6 are we can always find time to enjoy pancakes!
Receiving Letters From Our Favourite Authors
Our Year 6 boys received a reply to their letter from non other than Sir David Attenborough! Our smiles say it all.
Grace is super excited to receive a reply to the letter she wrote to Julia Donaldson. We have never seen her so excited!
Before Christmas, Year 6 wrote letters to some of their favourite authors and today they received their first reply – from David Walliams. They were so excited!
Real Life Maths
What a busy morning we had shopping in Aldi and Asda for our enterprise days this week. We have learnt that setting a budget is not easy. We went overspent on our initial budget by £10! #reallifemaths #enterprise
More shopping snaps. We were incredibly proud of our Year 6 children today. They were so polite to members of the public and members of staff and we had so many lovely comments about them. An absolute pleasure!
Year 5/6 Enterprise
Julia Donaldson
Grace was so excited when she received a reply to her letter from the author Julia Donaldson.
Space Topic
Year 5/6 really enjoyed making heliocentric orreys in Science as part of their Space topic.
Fieldwork around our local area
We used compasses and 6-figure grid references to navigate our way around a map of our local area – Spennymoor. We were recording evidence of the effects of weather and traffic upon aspects of our town.
Using Compasses
We practised using compasses to find orienteering locations within our school grounds.
Wildlife Awareness
Graham came into see us today to talk about wildlife in our local area. He specifically talked in detail about caring for wild badgers and how to protect them in their habitats.
Christmas Crafts
Our Christmas tradition of making Christmas crafts with our parents went down a treat! Thank you all for coming and we hope you all have a very merry Christmas!
Animals including humans.Â
Within our Science topic this term we have been learning all about how our body works. We have looked at the heart and circulatory system. We thought it would be interesting to look at a real heart so we could get a better idea about the size and shape. We dissected real pig’s hearts. We examined the valves and the chambers of the heart. It was very interesting!
Open Afternoon
We had such a great turn-out of parents in year 5/6 yesterday. It was a pleasure to show you all our creative Victorian inventions!
This term we have been learning to perfect our attacking and defending skills in the ‘Wide Attack’ game using hockey equipment.
UNICEF Rights of the Child- Article 29. Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.
We enjoyed creating beats and rhythms using the djembe drums today!
UNICEF Rights of the Child- Article 31- Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.
Lady Jane Gray is an inspirational artist and she stimulated us to create our own fabric designs. We combined her style with the WW1 centenary week too.
UNICEF Rights of the Child- Article 29. Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.
Safety Carousel
Today, we had an engaging day at the ‘Safety Carousel’ with a variety of different services including: RNLI, Police, Fire Service, Northern Power Grid & School Crossing Patrol.
UNICEF Rights of the Child- Article 5: Your family has the responsibility to help you learn to exercise your rights, and to ensure that your rights are protected.
Wear It Pink Day!
It was our responsibility to manage the ‘Wear It Pink’ day in aid of breast cancer. We made and sold our own cakes and biscuits throughout the afternoon. The tombola was a particular success! Altogether, we raised over £650! Thank you for your donations.
UNICEF Rights of the Child- You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously.
Transition Day at Whitworth Park
Today, we had our first of many transition days at Whitworth Park. We enjoyed taking part in science, history and art lessons throughout the day. It was exciting to meet new friends from other schools too!
UNICEF Rights of the Child- Article 3: The best interest of the child must be top priority in all decisions and actions which affect children.
Poetry Workshop
It was great to meet Tony Gadd during our poetry workshop at Spennymoor Town Hall. We were privileged to sit in the committee chamber to write our poems. Norman Cornish’s gallery gave us lots of creative ideas for our poems!
UNICEF Rights of the Child- Article 31- Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.
Practical Maths
We have been learning to understand exchange when adding and subtracting using a variety of representations. We persisted through the challenges and showed great resilience when we eventually solved the problems. Who knew using place value counters could be so fun?
UNICEF Rights of the Child- Article 29. Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.
Victorian Dragon’s Den
To conclude our learning about inventions over time, we created our own inventions to improve the lives of traditional Victorians. We pitched our ideas to the ‘Victorian Dragons’, who began a bidding war for some ideas!
UNICEF Rights of the Child- Article 29. Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.