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What Maths Looks Like at Rosa Street

At Rosa Street, we believe that Mathematics is important in everyday life and with
this is mind, our purpose of Maths is to develop an ability to solve rich and
sophisticated problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and

All children are challenged and encouraged to excel in Maths and apply their skills
in their daily lives whenever possible. We want our children to see themselves as
mathematicians and to understand that this can eventually affect career choices

New mathematical concepts are introduced using a ‘Concrete, Pictorial and
Abstract’ mastery approach, enabling all children to experience hands-on learning
when discovering new mathematical topics, and allows them to have clear models
and images to aid their understanding as well as using mistakes and misconceptions
as an essential part of learning.

Arithmetic and basic maths skills are practised daily to ensure key mathematical
concepts are embedded and children can recall this information to see the links
between topics in Maths and of course links to other areas of the curriculum