Year 1 – Miss C Cunningham
Year 1 really enjoyed testing their reaction times in their recent P.E enhancement session! They worked in teams using the blaze pods demonstrating different movements and skills.
We have had a busy Christmas in Year 1! We had a brilliant time at Durham Gala Theatre watching ‘Beauty and the Beast’ at the pantomime. We had a trip to our local Town Hall to visit Santa, our grown-ups attended our craft afternoon and we have been busy making a class post-box for all our Christmas cards.
During Science we have been exploring different materials. We have took part in lots of experiments this half term – looking at materials that float/sink, materials that are absorbent/non absorbent. We finished our unit by using different materials to make our own curtains.
Our R.E unit introduces pupils to Christianity by having the opportunity to visit a local church, reflect on the atmosphere in the church, and learn about how the church is used for Sunday worship. Year 1 have been introduced to special times in the church through the festival of Harvest.
During Geography this half term we have been using simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of the school and its grounds. We have devised a simple map of the school grounds and drew a map of our route to school.
During computing sessions, we understand the need to be kind online through the context of sharing photos. We have explored what might happen if a picture is shared online and how it might affect themselves and others. We have begun to use robot mice to.
Our D.T topic is ‘Preparing fruit and vegetables to make a fruit smoothie’. We have been learning all about basic hygiene and safety, learning all about the benefits of fruit and vegetables and cutting fruits safely.
Year 1 2023/24
We are Historians
In History we have been learning about George Stephenson and the Rainhill Trials. We visited the Locomotion Museum in Shildon to see a replica of the locomotive George made called ‘The Rocket.’ It won against ten other locomotives in the race. This was the start of the railway.
Truck and Child Safety Demonstration
We had a HGV visit us on the yard. It came to teach us how to stay safe around heavy good vehicles. There are lots of places that we couldn’t be seen around the truck. These are called blind spots. We got to sit in the driver’s seat and found out about being a truck driver.
Year 1 NHS Careers
In Year 1 we have been learning about the careers we could have as part of the NHS. We found out it was not just doctors and nurses. You can be a gardener, chef or IT Technician. We tried on lots of the uniforms that are associated to the different jobs. Each one is a different colour!
Easter Egg Competition
In Year 1 we had lots of entries to the Easter egg competition. The winner was ‘Disney comes to Rosa Street.’
We are Geographers!
In the first session on ‘Our School’ we followed a map around the school grounds. We identified different points around the outside area and took our own photos of what we found
We are Artists!
We created our own landscapes for Sky Arts Week. We watched Mr Doodle and researched landscape artists.
In Year One we are learning to weave. We were weaving paper strips to create our own fish design.
As part of National Storytelling Week we invited parents and carers into our classes to listen to a story.
We are Musicians!
In our Hey You! Unit of work we learnt a new song. Next we learnt to play the c note on the xylophone. We explored loud and quiet sounds with our instrument. We had to learn to start and stop like a conductor in the orchestra.
We are Computer Programmers!
We used the computing mice. We found out what each button was for and programmed the mice to move around a mat to collect some items.
We even made our own mats and routes to collect items.
We are Team Year One!
Comic Relief
We had a crazy hair day for Comic Relief. We talked about how the money we raised will help people in Britain and across the world.
World Book Day
We dressed as our favourite book characters or our pyjamas to celebrate World Book Day. We had special story times throughout the day.
We sang ‘Say Goodbye’ in our Christmas production. The lyrics told us to share a smile with our friends.
Skills & Thrills
We had an Outdoor Adventure Taster session with Chris from Skills and Thrills. We worked on our team building skills.
Show Racism the Red Card
We wore Red to show Racism the Red Card in October. We talked about our protected characteristics linked to race. We found out about the life of Betty Campbell. She was the first black head teacher in Wales and changed educational policy.
We are Scientists!
We are Farmers!
We visited Bowlees Education Farm in Middleton in Teesdale. We learnt about being a farmer and helped her to feed the animals. We used our science knowledge to classify the different animals. We saw mammals and birds.
Science Week
We had a visit from Mrs Robinson who brought in a snake, a frog and a spider for us to see. We talked about where the animals live in the world. We were very brave when the frog jumped!
We have been learning about Materials.
We explored our classroom and found examples of wood, metal, glass and plastic.
Our next material to investigate was rock. We observed different rocks. We drew pictures and talked about what we could see. We used magnifying glasses to have a closer look.
We tested materials to see if they would float or sink. We made play dough boats but they sank when we tested them!
We found out that when ice melts it turns back in to water.
We had to help rescue Spiderman from the ice. We chose to use a hairdryer to melt the ice quickly to free him. We predicted this would be the fastest way to melt the ice because it had hot air.
We looked for signs of autumn in the outdoor environment. We found brown leaves that had started to fall from the trees. We also found lots of conkers!
Year 1 2022/23
Welcome to Year 1
Fire Department
We had a visit from the Fire Department. They came into school to talk about Bonfire Night safety. They told us how to keep safe and what we should do and tips such as putting a sparkler in a carrot so it is further away from our hand and body. We were able to go outside and look at the fire engine. They even let use spray the hose.
In RE we have been looking at the question ‘What can we learn about Christianity from visiting a church?’ We walked to our local church. The class loved looking around the church and finding out about what Christians do in church. We listened to the organ and sang ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’.