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Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL)

Article 31: Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

We are a gold award OPAL school.  We have overhauled our playtimes to ensure that children get the best possible play experiences during their time at school.

To find out more about OPAL, visit the OPAL website:

We will be using this page to keep you up to date with our developments and as always we rely on your continued support.


It is useful for children to have a pair of wellies in school for use when the field is muddy or wet.  These should be labelled with your child’s name and can be kept on the welly rack.





Small World Toys

We have a selection of construction kits, small world figures and cars for children to play with.





Gardening Area  

Article 29: Children’s education should help them use and develop their talents and abilities.

We have planters and a poly tunnel that we use to grow our own produce such as potatoes, radishes and leeks.  Each class has a planter to look after. We often spend playtimes helping to water and weed the garden.


Mud Kitchen

Our mud kitchen is a favourite in all weathers! Please come along and join us for a scrumptious mud pie or a bowl of soup!

Article 30: Children have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion.



Digging Area

Our digging area was developed when the children started to have an interest in excavating the large stones from a wall that was deconstructed to enlarge our outdoor space. Now you will find the children looking for ‘dinosaur bones’.  The children have hours of fun unearthing the unknown!

Article 31: Children have the right to play and rest.



Den Building

Our den building area has naturally developed following the children’s ideas and there are now multiple areas for den building around the outdoor area. Our children enjoy moving the logs and sticks to create innovative dens. You can often see them inviting their friends inside their den around their make-shift ‘camp-fire’ or even being imaginative and creating stories about bears and wolves. This area is developing their children’s teamwork and cooperative skills as they are working together to create new structures collaboratively.

Article 29: Children’s education should help them use and develop their talents and abilities.


All of our children are having lots of fun exploring and experimenting with the sand. It is always popular at stay and play sessions and is used by after school clubs.


Stage Area

The children love to dress up and act out different performances.  We are working to develop this area even further to build a stage to enable us to showcase our talents. Watch this space for further developments!

OPAL Questionnaire
Parent Opal Letter