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Meet The Staff

Meet The Staff

Here is a list of our September 2018 staffing structure and their roles and responsibilities.

  • Mrs H Ashton – Head Teacher, Designated Child Protection Leader, Designated Looked After Teacher
  • Mrs K Harrison – Deputy Head Teacher, Year 6 Teacher, SENDCO, Key Stage 2 Leader, Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC) Development, PSHCE Co-ordinator
  • Mrs Gibbons –  Assistant Head Teacher, Year 5 Teacher, CPD Co-ordinator, More Able and Talented Co-ordinator, English and French Co-ordinator.
  • Mr J Hornsby – Assistant Head Teacher, Year 4 Teacher, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Co-ordinator, Pupil Premium Co-ordinator, International Schools Co-ordinator, Think like a Learner Co-ordinator .
Teaching Staff
  • Miss N Darke– Reception Teacher, History and Geography Co-ordinator, School Council Co-ordinator.
  • Miss R Bennett– Year 1 Teacher, Art and Design Co-ordinator, Design and Technology Co-ordinator
  • Miss L Davison – Year 2 Teacher, KS1 Co-ordinator, PE Co-ordinator,  Music Co-ordinator, Religious Education (R.E.) Co-ordinator and Outdoor Play Co-ordinator.
  • Mrs A Grant– Year 3 Teacher, Science Co-ordinator and Rights Respecting Schools Co-ordinator
  • Mrs Wilson(Copland) – Y6 Teacher, Mathematics Co-ordinator, Achievement for All, Eco Schools and Outdoor Learning
Teaching Assistants
Support Staff