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The budget allocation is agreed between our school and the Local Authority at the beginning of each financial year. Detail of how this money is used to support children and young people with SEND is shown below. This is monitored each term by the Governing Body.

In accordance with DFE requirements, notional SEN budgets are delegated to all academies.

This is made up of a percentage of the budget for all pupils plus an allocation specifically for pupils with special educational needs. This delegated funding is provided to ensure that schools can meet the needs of pupils with the most significant needs and will receive up to £6,000 of provision which may take the form of individual support, group work, or specialist programmes/teaching/resources.

Rosa Street Primary School 2021 – 2022  notional SEN budget is £82,349.53

At Rosa Street Primary School, funding is used to: (In general terms).

  • Promote inclusion through specific group/paired/individual provisions using enabling resources and strategies, often alongside and facilitated by the employment of teaching assistants.
  • Employ and train a Special Educational Needs Coordinator to liaise with parents, other professionals and outside agencies to meet the needs of our pupils.
  • Provide cover where teaching and support staff attend meetings to ensure their active participation and understanding of the processes involved in matching need and provision.
  • Ensure opportunities for staff, parents, pupils and other agencies to liaise regularly.
  • ‘Buy in’ to specialist services to work with children/and or staff to identify/meet needs or support school in meeting needs e.g. Staff training-Speech and Language Department; Educational Psychology Service.
  • Provide training to ensure that quality first teaching is sufficiently differentiated and resourced to ensure pupils are provided for in an inclusive manner at all levels of curriculum delivery.
  • Provide resources bespoke to individual programmes, or those which facilitate access for all to ensure equality of opportunity by removing barriers or compensating for any disabling factor which might prevent a child from having the same access to provision as his/her peers.
  • Free classroom/leadership staff to work with external professionals to support their wider professional development in relation to SEND-e.g. in writing/reviewing quality Education Health Care Plans and Support Plans/Provision Maps.
  • Undertake whole school training in delivering and quality assuring SEN provision.

If a child has complex special educational needs, we could also receive additional funding from the Local Authority to meet the agreed outcomes.

A Costed Provision Map will be developed in liaison with the child, young person, parent or carer.   An example of a costed provision map can be found here:

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.