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Educate and Celebrate

At Rosa Street we promote respect and believe that everyone should have equal opportunities to succeed.  As a school, we believe that Educate and Celebrate is an important part of day-to-day life. The Equality Act 2010 has created the ‘Public Sector Equality Duty’ and this states that every public body, including schools and academies, has legal duty to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people who share and do not share the following nine protected characteristics:

  • race
  • disability
  • gender
  • age
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • pregnancy & maternity
  • gender identity
  • marriage and civil partnership

During their time with us children will learn about the nine protected characteristics at an age appropriate level.  Children learn to be accepting of themselves and people around them.

Educate and Celebrated is woven into our school through our curriculum and trust values:

Care – We care for the people around us and accept them for who they are.

Ambition –  It is our ambition to ensure that everyone is given equal opportunities. This means that everyone receives the support they need to achieve.

Respect – We respect others for who they are.

Resilience – We teach children how over history people have been resilient despite their differences and the way they have been treated. We aspire to be resilient and make a change in the wider world.

Teamwork – We work together to ensure that we create a positive and happy school environment where everyone can succeed.

In school we have event afternoons where we look at different aspects of the wider curriculum in detail. During these afternoons children will look at one of the protected characteristics. Children will work as part of a group to discuss why it is a protected characteristic. We focus not only on school but on the wider world around us. We identify where discrimination might take place and what could be done to prevent this. Then, we discuss our school and how we ensure that discrimination does not take place. Could we make any changes to make every one feel more included? What impact could we have on our local community? What impact could we have on the wider world?