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Together Learning Partnership

As C.E.O of the Trust, I am delighted that you have taken the time to visit our website and find out a little more about us and our schools. I am proud to introduce you to our work, and to share with you why we do what we do and why we feel we have such a unique outlook for our school communities. Our belief is that when we work together, the sky’s the limit. Our commitment to collaboration and support – be it through our governors, our staff, our pupils or our wider community, is reflected in our very clear mantra that encompasses all that we do at TLP – ‘Working together, putting children first’.  Our children are at the very heart of all that we do in our schools.

Ambition, aspiration and resilience are all key characteristics that we help our pupils to develop. We believe in, and strive for equality of opportunity for all, and aim to ensure our children enjoy every moment of their time with us. Our work and ambition for our children recognises the ever-changing world that they are growing up in and we support our children to become global citizens, sustainable thinkers and embrace the UNCRC Rights Respecting charter.

We believe that our schools should be at the very heart of the community they serve. Each school is unique and can respond to and support their children, in their community, with their particular needs and challenges. Individually, our schools are happy, thriving places, where children feel safe, cared for, receive an excellent education and are excited to be part of. Together as a Trust, we promote and support collaboration at all levels, and demonstrate a determination to provide the best possible academic and social experiences for our pupils. Strong leadership, high-quality professional development and dedicated, skilled teachers and support staff all combine to give our children the best start in life. Our children are our future, and we want them to be the very best they can be.

We are a small but ambitious and growing primary school trust and are always happy to work with like-minded schools who understand our core values and align themselves to similar aspirations.  We work with many schools, not just within our MAT, but also in the wider local authority. Successful partnership work does not depend on whether you are an academy or not; it depends on commitment to similar values and the belief that we are stronger together. If you would like to join us on our journey, then please do look over our website, and get in touch if you feel working with us would be beneficial to your school and community. Thank you for taking the time to visit the TLP website.

Alison Lazenby
C.E.O. Together Learning Partnership 


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