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Careers Related Learning

At Rosa Street, we strive to develop an approach to career-related learning that enables pupils to engage progressively in a wide range of experiences in relation to the world of work. We believe career-related learning for primary aged pupils should be focused on exploration, developing understanding and challenging stereotypes for all pupils.

Research demonstrates that stereotypes can develop in pupils from an early age and that this can have a negative impact on engagement in learning and career aspirations in later life. Therefore, we prioritise career related learning and developing high aspirations for all pupils. Our career-related learning addresses two fundamental areas:

  • Developing knowledge about work e.g. by learning and exploring a range of careers, partaking in opportunities that are available and making links with a wide range of industries.
  • Developing skills to become lifelong learners e.g. social and emotional skills, enterprise skills and team-building skills.

We are delighted that our school has been selected to take part in an exciting programme to improve careers education in primary schools across the England, called ‘The Start Small, Dream Big’ programme. Our goal is to encourage children from all backgrounds to dream big about their future careers and gain an understanding of the type of jobs available.


Reception have had a visit from a local dentist to talk to us about her job and looking after our teeth. We found out what a Dentist does and what they have to wear in their job. We also found out how to properly clean our teeth, what foods are good to eat and what things we need to avoid

HGV Driver

DHL visited school this week to do a workshop with all of the children explaining what it was like to have a career as a HGV driver. They also explained how to stay safe around these vehicles and showed how easy it is for a whole class of children to get lost in the blind spot of a truck. The children really enjoyed the chance to find out all about driving these incredible vehicles and all got the chance to sit in the cab!

Reception – Esh Construction

In Reception, we had a workshop with Esh Construction. They came out to our class to show us all the different jobs within construction,  this included a quality surveyor, a measurer, a builder and a site manager. We got to try on some equipment that each job role might wear and carry out work duties. We were taught the correct brick formation for building and why this formation is chosen due to its strength and loved role playing with the equipment that they left for us in our classroom to continue our learning.

North-East Raising Aspirations Programme

Years 2-6 welcomed Sean from NERAP into school to find out more about university life and the courses available. The children thought about different routes to university and looked in more detail at some of the courses available. They then thought about different societies that they would like to be part of at university.

Year 1 NHS Careers

In Year 1 we have been learning about the careers we could have as part of the NHS.  We found out it was not just doctors and nurses.  You can be a gardener, chef or IT Technician. We tried on lots of the uniforms that are associated to the different jobs.  Each one is a different colour!