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Archived Reception Class

Welcome to Reception (Miss Glen)

Our Class Work

This half term we have been looking at Traditional Tales. We have read a variety of traditional stories and have completed activities and work around these stories.

We read the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have loved playing in the Three Pigs Construction Site.

We made huff and puff paintings, we pretended to be like the Big Bad Wolf.

We also read the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. During the first week a crime was committed and Goldilocks broke into school to eat all of Baby Bear’s Porridge. We took photos and looked for evidence.

Goldilocks sent us a letter to say sorry. She also asked us to create different flavours of porridge, we thought the Three Bears might like. We created porridge and added sugar, salt, honey, raisins and jam. We tasted them all and had a vote our favourite flavour was salt.