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Early Bird Breakfast Club

We provide an early breakfast club on site from 7.30am. For £3 per pupil per day children can come to school at 7.30am and join breakfast club at 8.15am.

Breakfast Club

Rosa Street Primary school’s Breakfast Club starts at 8.15 am every day and all pupils are welcome to join. As we are part of the Greggs Breakfast Club there is no charge.

The club is run by our Teaching Assistants. If you think you could help with Breakfast Club it would be a huge support to us – even only 1 morning a week would be great. If you can, then please contact the office for further details. We would love to welcome new volunteers as we are really keen to keep our breakfast club up and running.

Article 24: Governments must provide nutritious food and an education on health and well-being so that children can stay healthy.

Extra Curricular Activities

We are delighted to be able to offer a range of after school clubs this half term, to pupils to enrich the curriculum. (Individual teachers will keep you informed of any changes to their particular club). The clubs we are offering are for all pupils.

Places are limited and will be given on a first come, first served basis but if unsuccessful in gaining a place this half term, there will be further opportunities with different clubs available, next half term. We will try to ensure fair access for all children over the school year.  The clubs are free of charge.

Please note clubs do not start until the second week back after a holiday.

Autumn Term Clubs are as follows

All clubs run from 3.15 – 4.15pm and start the 2nd week back. The last week will be week commencing 2nd December 2019. You will be notified in writing if your child is successful in securing a place.


Hama Beads


Singing (lunchtime)


Board Games


Book Club


Microbits Computer Programming


Article 15: Children have the right to meet up with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other children from enjoying their rights.